some jokes/delirium,
part of chat between Alex Mizrahi and
Vladimir Suhoy happened on 14.07.02
DIZLAMER:(you are personally responsible for..)
Alex says :
Vladimir says :
Alex says :
btw, do you have idea for name of next release?
Vladimir says :
Maybe some german name?
Vladimir says :
There are very cool german words in dictionary
Vladimir says :
Alex says :
looks like you like german stuff a lot now 8-]
Alex says :
what does in mean? i cant spell such.
Alex says :
i have idea - 'SOLDERER'
Vladimir says :
Means supermarket.
Vladimir says :
Misha can write _russian_ tutorial?
Alex says :
so, i'll better post '3d calculator'? we dont even have buttons and text in i3dcpp.. brrr...
Alex says :
i'll ask him. i'm not sure that he will use ind3d.
Vladimir says :
I'll translate it.
Alex says :
i dont believe he can write tutorial.
Vladimir says :
And you think, that I can? Its very hard work, harder than writing.
Alex says :
i will.
Alex says :
but i dont know all things in indirect3d.
Vladimir says :
I can write component help on FFStandart with detailed descriptions of properties.
Alex says :
Vladimir says :
There is also meshdrawing stuff, which is mostly unknown even by me
Vladimir says :
Indirect3D toolkit improves compatibility of last release.
Vladimir says :
"Indirect3D toolkit improves compatibility between c++ and delphi implementations"!!
Alex says : <- killing pidors in shockwave flash.
Alex says :
killer topic. really many people will go to see what's changed.
Alex says : <- killing flys in flash
Alex says :
maybe place this log on a site? ascii artists sometimes include IRC logs in their artpacks.
Vladimir says :
Which log?
Alex says :
this log.
Alex says :
brevno (russian word, wooden log, tree)
Vladimir says :
Alex says :
che:??*(what in russian, 'wha..')
Alex says :
this log, for non-russian(written in russian)
Vladimir says :
Das Engel hatt from Himmell fallen!
Alex says :
whot?(corrupted what written in russian)
Alex says :
who is this angel and himel? and whot is Das?
(written in russian)
Alex says :
PS: by the way, on this question I am ready to head counting-investigational commission.
(writes in russian)
Vladimir says :
engel is an engel.(in russian)
Vladimir says :
himmel means sky.(in russian)
Vladimir says :
Das - is an article.(in russian)
Alex says :
and hatt? it's a gad, maybe?
(in russian, gad means reptile, rascal)
Vladimir says :
The auxiliary verb - means that engel has already screwed-down from himmel.
(in russian)
Alex says :
The Angel have fallen from Heaven?
Alex says :
Vladimir says :
Looks like that.
(in russian, cant be translated correctly)
Alex says :
(in russian)
Vladimir says :
Maybe we'll write docs on German?
Vladimir says :
I think even German cant understand my German!
Alex says :
you'll write a doc about german and i will write about i3d on german.
Alex says :
it's killer\german
Vladimir says :
das ist Morder!
Alex says :
so, do you think that placing some parts of this log on site is great idea?
Vladimir says :
What log???
Alex says :
what is Morder? Mordor?
Alex says :
this text. or how is this called? protocol?
Vladimir says :
Morder = killer.
Alex says :
btw, dont you want to go on the blue lakes(carrier in avdeevka)?
Vladimir says :
I've understood what you mean by log. It will be funny.
Alex says :
how to name it and where to place?
Vladimir says :
Prff. Maybe as a background somewhere?
Alex says :
Vladimir says :
When will you go to sink(oh, sorry, swim)?
Alex says :
kewl, i now have pyind3d! 8-]
Vladimir says :
ToJPEG->to background on some page (maybe main?).
Alex says :
i dont know yet, we were going to do it tomorow, but misha havent called me.
Alex says :
hmm, i think it's not a great idea..
Alex says :
it will be large.
Vladimir says :
Maybe some "chosen parts".
Alex says :
i actually want to learn reaction of people.
Alex says :
Vladimir says :
Dont know, maybe as distinct page...
Vladimir says :
Alex says :
if there were constantly coming people..
Alex says :
well, i'll place somewhere.
Alex says :
and i'll invent method to know how much do people read.
Alex says :
i'm going to disconnect. no more important things to discuss?
Vladimir says :
Probably not. To compile PyIND3D you'll need python libs - visit
Alex says :
Vladimir says :
Alex says :