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  • FastFruit Editor - OpenGL - 370kb
    Realtime WYSIWYG Indirect3D scene editor/viewer. i3d files created with it can be used in any other Indirect3D applications.
  • Active Indirect3D component - OpenGL - 300kb
    It can be inserted in InternetExplorer, Delphi, C++Builder, MSVC++, VB, VJava to use i3d scenes. Supports handling of events posted in scene.
    Note that you can quickly install this by simply entering this page (downloading will start). This way of installation is preffered.
  • Nabla Compiler - 20 kb
    Nabla compiler + simple source file for scene that uses ffPortals.
  • 15-puzzle - 287 kb
    Just a puzzle game.
  • Calc3d - 312 kb
    3D Calculator.


  • basic .i3d examples - 60kb
    Contains: FireCube(particles), Mangalor(mesh, mulitexturing, spheremap), Lights(spinning lights), Triggers.
  • ffDll .i3d examples - 85kb
    ffDll is an .dll version of fastfruit written for NeHe's contest. See sources in Hellfire. There are two examples - wave and plants.
  • Logos - 627 kb
    These are logos of FastFruit and Indirect3D. Last one shows loading models from 3ds.
  • ActiveInd3D usage examples - 20 kb
    VisualBasic6 example - Ind3D_explorer - i3d file viewer.
    VBA(xls) example - interaction with i3d button inserted in VBA form.
    Both requires ActiveInd3D installed.

Sources for Delphi:

Sources for C++:

  • Latest Indirect3D/Fastfruit core v0.8 'DEEPLYSTRUCK' - 644kb
    For MSVC++6.0.(may be compilable under other versions too).
    Includes WIND example - realtime cloth simulation.
  • 15-puzzle and calc3d sources - 306kb
    Sources of 15-puzzle and calc3d ported to MSVC++(core is needed to compile it). Includes ffExport.dll - module that exports components from delphi fastfruit.
  • LOTR demo for NeHe contest. - 1.3mb
    Executable and sources for MSVC++.
  • Hellfire demo for NeHe contest. - 210kb
    Includes preliminary version of Indirect3D/Fastfruit and ffDLL project for exporting components into Ind3DStudio.
    Compilable by both MSVC++ and BorlandC++Builder. Can be compiled by BorlandC5 too, but it has no libs for OpenGL1.1 and OLE features.

If something isnt working mail me. I'll try to help.

Indirect Groups's main page
