This site is devoted to our freeware projects, that use OpenGL and Direct3D 3D graphics. Most of them are written on Delphi (5). Some have downloadable sources.
Development of all projects except Indirect3D is halted.



←Spots3D - 3D visualization of two logical games - Spots(Hexagon) and Lines(disappearing balls).

Iridescent 3D text logo producer - easily create logos like this.→

BarBuilder for MathCAD - easy util for rendering Direct3D accelerated bars.→

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About authors of TC(with photos)

Download Indirect Group's Anthem 8-] (punk, guitar)

Feel free to send any comments, suggestions, bug reports to:

You may try finding me using MSN instant messenger - If you have something related to 3D file manager or 3D programming we may exchange links.

Links: Another 3D filemanager-TriDComm

I edited HTML code manually, so if you find bugs on this page please email me.